Following the overwhelming objection to the previous application for 30 dwellings on this site, and the “consultation event” held in April, the developers have now re-submitted a planning application for an even larger site with proposals for 45 dwellings.
Click on the attached link for details of the application:
The closing date for comments from the public is 21 July 2017
Comments can be made on the MSDC planning register website (via the above link)
or by emailing
or writing to:
Planning Division,
Mid Sussex District Council,
Oaklands Road,
Haywards Heath,
West Sussex
RH16 1SS
FAO Mr Andrew Morrison
(Quoting the following planning reference number: DM/17/2345)
For those of you who made comments against the previous application, unfortunately it is necessary for you to re-submit comments against the revised proposals if you would like them to be taken into consideration.
For those of you who did not previously comment, but would like to, now is your chance.
The Parish Council will be considering this application at their meeting on 11 July so you may like to forward a copy of your comments by email to: or write to:
HK Parish Council,
Rear of Village Hall,
The Green,
Horsted Keynes
RH17 7AP