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Sledging Field Update 

Over 300 objections to the Sledging Field application now appear on the MSDC planning register, which is an excellent achievement! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to submit their comments.


You may be wondering what happens next?


Well, the planning officer has to review all the comments made along with responses from various statutory consultees. He will then prepare a detailed report summarising all the points and giving his conclusions. He may decide to refuse the application (under delegated powers) or recommend it for approval (in which case it would go before a planning committee of district councillors).


The planning officer has recently visited the site (and a number of properties adjoining it) to assess the potential impact of the development proposals. He is aiming to determine the application by a target date of 5 March. However, West Sussex Highways (one of the statutory consultees) has requested further highways information from the applicant and there may be a delay pending receipt of this.


You may also be interested to know that the Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Soames MP has been made aware of this planning application and we understand that he has written to MSDC in support of the views that have been expressed by the community.